Saxophone: history, video, interesting facts, listen

Musical instrument: Saxophone. If someone is asked a question, which musical instrument do you consider the most sensual? Несомненно, в ответ услышите - саксофон - инструмент для души, как его называют многие меломаны. Его страстный и экспрессивный тембр, умеющий передавать нежность и страсть, может уносить человека в самые потаённые воспоминания.

Violin: story, video, interesting facts, listen

Musical instrument: Violin Violin is one of the most sophisticated and sophisticated musical instruments, with a charming singing timbre very similar to a human voice, but at the same time very expressive and virtuoso. It is no coincidence that the role of the “queen of the orchestra” was given to the violin. The great variety of the violin’s sound has surprised listeners for more than 5 centuries in a row; it can equally quickly raise the spirits, instill optimism, make it suffer and worry.

Clarinet: history, video, interesting facts, listen

Musical instrument: Clarinet Clarinet is an extraordinary virtuoso instrument, with a very flexible and noble sound, resembling a long cylindrical tube. It is not by chance that in the symphonic fairy tale "Peter and the Wolf" S. Prokofiev assigned him the role of a cat, thereby emphasizing its velvety and soft sound, like the furry legs of an animal.

Cello: history, video, interesting facts, listen

Musical instrument: Cello Cello is a string-stringed instrument, an obligatory participant of a symphony orchestra and string ensemble, possessing a rich technique of performance. Due to its juicy and melodious sound, it is often used as a solo instrument. The cello is widely used when it is necessary to express sadness, despair or deep lyrics in music and in this it has no equal.