The best author's songs: from history

Today, a lot of highbrow aesthetes have divorced who, barely having heard the singing with a guitar, will frown disgustingly and displeasedly: they say, fi, some author's song! And they do not really know how to play, there is no voice, and texts are primitive with rhymes like "fires-mosquitoes". They have no idea that just a few decades ago, it was the author's song that kept a part of the Soviet intelligentsia from complete moral degradation. To exist in a totalitarian state without a sip of freedom is unbearable. Such a “sip” and steel bards.

Not every author is real!

Of course, strictly speaking, the name of the genre is strange. After all, any song - the author. But so yes not so! Still, a pop song, as a rule, has as many as three authors - a poet, a composer and a performer. And they love this song either for poetry, or for music, or thanks to the performer.

But with a song with a guitar, everything is fundamentally different. There are three in one - the author of the poems, the accompaniment (deliberately not writing - music, not everyone has the appropriate musical education, but someone doesn’t know the music at all) and the performer. The reason for the popularity of the author's songs in 60-70 years. of the last century - in its ingenuous and naked sincerity. The singing authors were also wonderful poets, and the guitar for them is only a way to strengthen, reinforce the impression of the living word.

Well, you can not so straightforward!

One of the founders of the genre - Bulat Okudzhava. Many of the best author's songs written by him. Some sound in the movies, and not in the author's performance ("White Sun of the Desert", "Star of Captivating Happiness", etc.).

One of the most popular to this day is the Georgian Song. The author himself, however, pointed out that this is only a stylization. But what! The details themselves: "grape seed", "warm earth", "vine" - as if written out and taken from nature. And "blue buffalo, and white eagle, and golden trout" under Boris Grebenshchikov's feather are transformed into "fire-lion lion", "blue ox full of eyes" and "golden eagle of heaven" with an unforgettable look.

Bulat Okudzhava “Georgian Song”

Another funny incident connected with the song of Okudzhava: they decided to translate it into Estonian, called the author and asked: "What kind of Lazo does this mean? The one that the Japanese burned in the engine room?" I wonder why the pop singer Yuri Loza didn’t come to their head - the name seems to fit the sound shell more ...

They did not believe, damn it ...

Sergey Nikitin once joked in such a way that the bards are those who are not doing their own business. However, there are exceptions. Alexander Gorodnitsky - "physicist" and "lyricist" in one person. Academician, navigator, author of many scientific papers, as well as poet-citizen.

Alexander Gorodnitsky “To the mainland”

Several of his early songs became well-established folklore. And here, too, was not without "overlays", to which you do not even know sometimes how to relate. For example, the song "On the mainland" so tightly entered the flesh and blood of former prisoners that when the author again visited the Arctic, they did not believe him and almost put him on the "knives."

Who said no?

Alexander Galich - The figure in the author's song is special. Professional writer, film director, prosperous playwright. Once he could not resist and spoke in full voice.

One of the first songs of this kind was “Error”. Here is its background. In 1943, near Narva, a counterattack of the Soviet troops, timed to the anniversary of the "father of nations" - Stalin, was hastily prepared. It did not just fail — it failed miserably, and was paid for by the tens of thousands of lives of ordinary soldiers.

It is strange that the former veterans subsequently ganged up on Galicia for the song, calling it even a "literary marauder." But the thing was that in 1962, in the field of bloody battles staged a drunken and lush government hunt - in honor of the leader of the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro. This is what Galich rebelled against - the mockery of the memory of the dead ... Alas, the prophets in their Fatherland are rarely decorated during their lifetime.

Alexander Galich “Error”

What is there drunkenness ...

Not always songs are plot and reflect real events. All-Union fame began with the film "Vertical" Vladimir Vysotsky. And the very first song of the film - "Song of a Friend" - was written on the basis of real events. A professional alpinist L. Eliseev told the bard about them. However, the song, like the best author's songs, is just a bunch of real events and emotions.

Vladimir Vysotsky “Song of a friend”

By the way, “The song about a friend” other critics also tried to understand literally, asking: “Why was he drunk there at the top?” And they had no idea that “intoxicating” is not a synonym for “drunk”, that in the mountains there is its own nature and style of relations between people.

Almost always great! ...

Finally, one of the last truly national songs in 1980 was written by a physical education student at a lecture. Oleg Mityaev. And no matter how many parodies like “Oleg Mityaev beaten up with a yellow guitar,” would be written to her, and in feasts, especially at the very beginning, you just need to tighten the first line to someone, and there the choir will almost certainly pick up - “How cool we are all here today. " The song is, in principle, universal. With rare exceptions, the author himself stopped only once, during the performance of his main masterpiece in the women's colony.

Oleg Mityaev “It's great that we all gathered here today”

The best author songs live and sing. And the fact that they “break away” from the authors - isn’t this an indicator of the true nationality ?!

The author - Pavel Malofeev

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