Violin master legend

Legend of the violin master

The events of the ancient legends unfolded in the Italian town of Cremona. Once, a wizard was walking along the main street. In those days, it was often possible to meet fairy tale characters in any city. While admiring the lovely, busy streets, he suddenly heard the enchanting sounds of a violin and decided to see who was playing it. It turned out that a very young man was playing music, who made this violin himself. The magician liked the instrument so much that he asked to give it in exchange for any wish that was fulfilled. The young man was interested in the proposal and he agreed, in return for choosing eternal life. The wizard said that he would fulfill such a desire, but on one condition - the novice master should make another 999 of the same wonderful tools, but warned that by 1,000 the young man would die.

Many years have passed since then, the young man became a famous violin maker, his instruments were known not only in the country, but also enjoyed great popularity beyond its borders. He made delightful violins, violas, cellos, which was not equal to the beauty of the sound. When it began to approach the thousandth instrument, the master remembered the words of an unusual passerby and gathered in his relatives and students. After telling them this amazing story, he said that his end was coming soon, but he believed that the Wizard had kept his word and fulfilled his desire. Indeed, having made a whole thousand beautiful musical instruments, the master put a piece of his soul into each of them. The tools will live forever, and with them the soul of the master.

Well? Have you guessed who is in the legend? Of course, about the famous Italian master Antonio Stradivari, he actually made about a thousand beautiful and amazingly beautiful musical instruments. Many of them have survived to this day and delight the audience with their soulful sound, because the master's soul sings in them.

Watch the video: Violin Masters Challenge - Samvel Yervinyan vs Bijan Mortazavi (October 2024).

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