Note for music beginners

Those who decide to learn at least something serious in music cannot avoid acquaintance with various musical scores. From this article you will learn how to learn to read notes without memorizing them, but only by understanding the logical principles on which musical notation is based.

What is included in the concept of musical notation? This is all that relates, in one way or another, to writing and reading notes; This is a kind of language that is understandable to all musicians in Europe and America. As you know, each musical sound is determined by 4 physical properties: height, duration, volume and timbre (by coloring). And with the help of musical notation, a musician gets information about all these four properties of the sound that he is going to sing or play a musical instrument.

I propose to understand how each of the properties of a musical sound is displayed in a musical notation.


The whole range of musical sounds is built into a single system - scale, that is, a series in which all sounds follow each other in order, from the lowest to the highest sound, or vice versa. The scale is divided into octavess - segments of a musical scale, each of which contains a set of notes identical in name - before, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si.

To write and read notes using music staff - this is the line for recording notes in the form of five parallel lines (more correctly, to say rulers). Any notes of the scale are recorded on the stave: on the rulers, under the rulers or above them (and, of course, between the rulers with equal success). Rulers taken from the bottom up:

The notes themselves are indicated by oval-shaped heads. If there are not enough basic five lines for recording a note, then special additional rulers are introduced for them. The higher the note sounds, the higher it is located on the rulers:

The idea of ​​the exact pitch of the musical keys give, of which the most well-known two - violin and bass. Notebook for beginners is based on the study of the treble clef in the first octave. They are written as:

For ways to quickly memorize all the notes, see the article "How to quickly and easily learn notes," follow the practical exercises offered there and you will not notice how the problem disappears by itself.

Duration of notes

The duration of each note refers to the field of musical time, which is a continuous movement with the same speed in equal parts, comparable to the measured pulse beat. Usually one such share is associated with a quarter-note note. Look at the picture, you will see a graphic image of notes of different duration and their names:

Of course, smaller durations are used in music. And you have already understood that each new, smaller duration is obtained by dividing the whole note by the number 2 to the n-th power: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc. So, we can divide the whole note not only into 4 quarters, but with equal success and into 8 eighth or 16 sixteenth notes.

Musical time is very well organized, and in its organization, in addition to shares, larger units participate - so you, that is, segments that contain exactly the specified number of shares. Tacts are highlighted visually by separating one from the other vertical clock line. The number of beats in measures, and the duration of each of them is reflected in the notes using a numeric size.

Both sizes, and durations, and beats are closely related to such an area in music as rhythm. Notebooks for beginners usually operate with the most simple sizes, for example, 2/4, 3/4, etc. See how a rhythm of music can be organized in them.


On how to play this or that motive - loudly or quietly, also indicated in the notes. Everything is simple. Here are the icons you will meet:


The timbre of sounds is an area that is almost not affected by musical notation for beginners. However, as a rule, there are various instructions in the notes about this. The simplest is the name of the instrument or voice for which the composition is intended. The hardest part is connected with the technique of the game (for example, turning the pedals on and off on the piano) or sound extraction methods (for example, flageoes on the violin).

On this one should dwell: on the one hand, you have already learned a lot about what can be read in the notes, on the other - there is still a lot to be learned. Stay tuned for updates on the site. If you like this material, recommend it to your friends using the buttons at the bottom of the page.


Watch the video: How to Read Music - Basics for Beginners - Music Theory Lesson (October 2024).

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