Franz Schubert "The beautiful miller's wife": history, video, content, interesting facts, listen

Franz Schubert "Beautiful miller's"

Franz Schubert - master of the romantic vocal miniatures. For all his life, the composer has managed to compose about six hundred songs of various genres. One of the most famous vocal cycles is The Beautiful Miller's Mill. You can get acquainted with the author’s mature vocal creativity, enjoy beautiful music, and learn interesting facts, history of composition and content on our page.

History of creation

The vocal cycle "The Beautiful Miller" was written at the time of the composer's heyday. At this time, Franz was quite a famous person in narrow artistic circles. He wrote about two hundred songs that were often performed in noble houses during home receptions.

It is in this cycle that the best composer finds are revealed. Interestingly, Schubert was a longtime acquaintance of a talented and young poet Muller. But Franz absolutely accidentally met with his work. The composer came to visit. While waiting for Muller, he got into the hands of just "The Beautiful Miller's Maker". The poems captured the creative world of the musician, he took the book with him and hurriedly left the house of a friend. That was the beginning of the composition of one of the most famous vocal cycles. But do not worry about the fact that Schubert was a thief, a few days later, he returned the book with an apology to the author. He admitted that he could not resist, as his thoughts were instantly filled with new musical motifs and melodies, and the idea itself seemed completely realizable.

Of the more than 70 works, the writer chose only 20, which are most suitable for dramatic development. Work proceeded in the capital of Austria. There the composer felt calm and was able to devote himself entirely to creativity. The writing went quickly, and already in the beginning of 1824 the cycle was fully completed. After graduation, the composer went on an invitation to the estate of Count Esterhazy as a music teacher. There he was introduced to a friend of the count, the magnificent tenor Karl von Shenstein. It should be noted that the singer performed only the Italian opera and rarely changed his own preferences. But Schubert's vocal music made a strong impression on him. As a sign of respect and gratitude, Franz will devote the cycle to Shenshtein, and deigns him the honor of being a performer of the composition. It is worth noting that the singer perfectly coped with the duty assigned to him.

It is interesting that, separately, after composing, vocal miniatures were often performed at secular events, but the cycle as a whole was fortunate enough to hear only three decades later. It happened in Vienna, the audience was delighted with the composition. But there was no one to accept compliments, since the composer had died in 1828.

Interesting Facts

  • Schubert dedicated the cycle "The Beautiful Miller" to his friend, the famous singer Schönstein.
  • Ludwig Berger, teacher of Felix Mendelssohn wrote the music for five poems from the series of Muller's poems "The Beautiful Miller's Wife".
  • The idea of ​​creating a cycle of poems came to mind to the poet during a poetic competition in the circle of youth, which he constantly attended. Young people played a scene where the role of the miller went to Muller. He was recognized as the undoubted winner in the battle of talents.
  • Gerald Moore and Fisher Diskau are reference foreign performers.
  • The collection of poems Muller includes 77 works.
  • Many pianists unfairly reproached Schubert for an overly complex accompaniment. Even in the modern world, it is believed that the songs of the composer are rather difficult to perform.
  • One of the best performers of the cycle in the Russian version is Edward Gil.
  • The premiere of the vocal cycle occurred only thirty years after writing.
  • The collection of poems is dedicated to the most famous romantic composer of Germany, Carl Maria von Weber.
  • The great pianist Gerald Moore writes in detail in his own book The Singer and Accompanist in detail about the important role of accompaniment in this vocal cycle. The chapter has the name "Performing Reception of the Beautiful Miller".
  • When writing poems, Muller constantly sang and played, despite the fact that he was not engaged in music professionally. He said that he would be extraordinarily happy if in this world there is at least one sympathetic soul who hears hidden tunes in his words. Maybe she can return them to me?


The young miller-apprentice wanders around the world in search of love without memory. Who seeks will always find. Having settled down at the mill, he falls in love with the daughter of the owner of the windmill. It is a pity that such a sincere and first feeling did not find a response in the heart of the beauty. She dearer brave and courageous hunter. It poisons the heart of a young man, he sets off. The stream becomes the only friend. His bright waters will be the consolation of the romantic hero. Life is not over, but the heart will never be the same.


"The Beautiful Miller" is the first romantic vocal cycle in the history of classical music. The main feature is the concept of the novel with the storyline. The work belongs to the lyric-dramatic genre. The cycle includes 20 thumbnails.

Name of the vocal miniature


Value in drama


Let's hit the road

B flat major

Stream Exposition



G major

Exposition and direct characteristic of the miller



C major

Plot drama


Thanks to the brook

G major

Plot drama


Festive evening

La Minor



C major



A major

Local climax


Morning hello

C major



Miller's flowers

A major



Rain of tears

A major




D major

Local climax



B flat major



With lute ribbon

B flat major




C minor

Hunter’s Indirect Characteristic


Jealousy and pride

G minor

Local mournful climax


Favorite color

B minor

Conflict development


Evil color

B major (B minor)

Conflict development


Dried flowers

E minor

Conflict development


Miller and creek

G minor



Creek Lullaby

E major

Tragic denouement

"The Beautiful Miller" splits into two mini-cycles:

  1. # 1-10 - The sincere hopes of a young miller for reciprocity;
  2. # 11-20 - A collapsed world, engrossed in doubts, jealousy and deep sadness.

The motive of the stream frames the composition, which is most clearly manifested in the first and last essay. Nevertheless, the music of 1 and 20 numbers is very different in mood.

The most prominent numbers in the cycle “The Beautiful Miller's” are the following numbers:

  • №1. "Let's hit the road" represents the exposure of the stream. The main character is in nature with a sense of complete harmony with this world. Musical techniques are as simple as possible and convey folk song. Character vigorous and energetic fully reflects the mood of the protagonist.
  • №2. "Where?". The song tells that the miller succumbed to the call of the stream, he goes after him. The writing is permeated with folk intonations. The accompaniment imitates the movement of the stream. Young naivety, unpretentious melody, it seems that all life prepares only joy, happiness and love. The hero does not even suspect how tough reality is.
  • №5. "Festive evening". The room exhibits two different worlds, and also opens up a zone of preykta to the local climax, which will occur in number 7. The three-part form with a contrasting middle shows the differences in the worldviews of the lyrical hero and his chosen companion.
  • №6. "Curiosity". The writing is distinguished by the use of a large number of truly subtle artistic tricks. The winding melody has a rather lyrical character. It is replete with chromatic intonations and is clearly different from the people's song warehouse, which is present in the previous numbers. The phrases break off with pauses, the lyrical hero as if begins to suspect what is happening, but he still does not believe that the beloved will not reciprocate. The piano part is flexible, adapts to the vocal melody. Constant change of frets demonstrates the changeability of views.
  • №7 "Impatience" is the local climax of the cycle. Emotional intensity falls on the words "I am yours forever!". In the soul of doubt creeps concerning the loyalty of his girlfriend in life.
  • №11 "My" It is the answer to the questions of doubt expressed in the seventh issue. In this work, the bitterness of the upcoming drama begins to be clearly felt. The three-part form with a contrasting middle allows you to express the mood change of the lyrical hero.
  • №14 "Hunter". Miller’s doubts were confirmed. He has a rival who already owns the heart of the beautiful miller. The indirect exposure of the hunter is carried out through the genre of hunting folk song. The accompaniment traces anxiety and confusion regarding the lyric hero.
  • №15 "Jealousy and pride" reveals all the heat of feelings that has accumulated in the soul of the miller. He can no longer restrain his own insults. They do not like him, but he is ready to give everything that he has for the sake of a girl. The music of despair and grief appears. It's all over for him, but this is not the final chord.
  • №19 "Miller and stream" It is a kind of dialogue between the stream and the miller. At the same time, the party of the lyrical hero is completely penetrated by melancholic intonations. The party of the stream is written in the same major, it is imbued with light and hope for a better future and has a wave-like figure.
  • №20. "Lullaby stream" - this is the final number, imbued with a melancholic mood, then a major key. The hero has come to terms with the situation, he accepted the injustice of life towards himself. But despite everything, he continues to live, the major completion of the work speaks about it. He will no longer be so naively simple.

The composer was able to convey in the vocal cycle “The Beautiful Miller's” a little story about how a simple miller is capable of truly sincere feelings, of high love. But he was left alone with his own unrequited love. Fortunately, nature has helped him to forget the grief and continue on its way.

"The Beautiful Miller's Maid" is a romantic vocal cycle in which Schubert achieved full composing skills. This story can teach that, despite all the hardships of life, you must continue to go forward.

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